Get Organized

The Get Organized module streamlines HR management by offering a centralized platform to manage employee data, organizational structures, and competencies. Users can create job descriptions, evaluate jobs, manage policies, and define roles and permissions. The module promotes efficiency, consistency, and transparency in HR processes, ensuring the organization stays well-organized and compliant. 

List of features for the module:

Employees Data

Setup Organization Structure

Setup Competencies Framework

Competencies Learning Mapping

Job Descriptions

Competencies, KPIs, and Policies Library

Job Evaluation and Grading

Policies Management

Roles, Users, and Groups Management

Added Value for the organization by using this module:

Enhanced efficiency in HR management by consolidating critical information and processes. 

Improved compliance with industry standards through effective policies and procedures management. 

Streamlined organization structure and job roles, enabling better workforce planning and deployment.

Facilitated knowledge sharing and learning through a centralized competencies and KPIs library. 

We’re happy to help. 
Contact our team today for expert advice and support.